Coolest Frisbee Games That You Have To Try

If you are here, you probably already know a bit about Ultimate Frisbee and how it’s played. And you probably want to know what other games you can play with the Frisbee. Well, there are a lot of games that branched out from ultimate frisbee and are real fun.

best ultimate frisbee games

Truth be told, you can’t always get together two teams of more than 7 people, to play ultimate together. That is why we are going to show you some cool Ultimate Frisbee games which are great alternatives. You can play these Frisbee games on smaller fields and with fewer people. In this guide, we will highlight 7 of the most fun ultimate Frisbee games that we love, and explain how to play them with your buddies.


Ultimate Frisbee Games for Physical Education

Some of these Frisbee games are actually quite popular during Physical Education classes in school. But that does not mean they are limited to that. We’ve had a lot of fun playing these with a couple of friends on the grass in the parc. We just used a couple of T-Shirts piled on the ground to serve as goals, and we were set to go. So just improvise and enjoy these games wherever you want:


7. Goaltimate

What you need: a disc

goaltimate frisbee gameThis frisbee game is a cross between ultimate and soccer. Contestants try to score by throwing the disc through a half-circle goal post. Players advance the disc upfield by passing it to their team members. When a player catches a legal pass that travels through the goal line, it counts as a score. A team can earn up to two points by completing a pass at the Two-Point-Line.

Most of the basic Ultimate rules still apply. For instance, the player in possession must only use a pivot foot that does not move until he passes the disc. There is no intentional fouling, disc stripping is not allowed, and throwers can only stall for 5 seconds before passing the disc. When the disc is intercepted, dropped or goes out of bounds, then a turnover to the other team occurs.

This game requires each team to have at least four players. It is usually played on a circular field. You can choose to compete with your friends in a best of 3 or best of 5 series Goaltimate tournament.


6. Hot Box (Half Court Ultimate)

What you need: a disc, 4 cones (or improvise)

This ultimate Frisbee game is great to play if only a few playmates show up for an Ultimate match. No need to call off the game, just try this one out. The rules of play remain the same as those of Ultimate, only that the field size reduces by half since this is a 6 or 8 player game organized into two teams.

hot box half court ultimate frisbee gameIn terms of the field, you play hot box on a square field of approximately 40 yards (each side). There’s also a single square end zone (measuring about five feet on a side), which forms the center of the field. You can mark this square end zone using 4 cones. You should set a passing limit before a team can score. To be more clear, a team should first complete 5 or 6 successful passes before they can attempt to score. You also can’t pass the ball back to the one that just passed it to you. No one can stand in the end zone.

Once the agreed number of passes have been met, you can now enter the end zone and score on the next pass. All the other rules of Ultimate Frisbee are still valid. Hold the ball for 10 seconds max, pivot when you get the frisbee and so on. It’s a pretty cool ultimate frisbee game alternative that you should definitely try the next time you get together.

As with Ultimate, Hot Box and Goaltimate are self-officiated games that place the responsibility of fair play on the players. Therefore, these two are great Ultimate Frisbee games for physical education because they impart students with positive values like honesty, integrity, and teamwork.


Other Recreational Ultimate Frisbee Games


5. Disc Golf

What you need: discs, a disc golf basket, a bag to hold the discs, skill (you can’t buy that ha ha – but you can get it through practice)

disc golf game with frisbeeContrary to what you may think, there are no golf clubs involved in this version of Ultimate. Instead, players throw Frisbees aiming at “holes” or rather disc golf baskets that sit above ground. Disc golf courses can have nine or eighteen such “holes”. You can play with different golf discs such as putter, driver, and mid-range. The various discs have different shapes and design to give players better control, speed, and accuracy when throwing from different distances. Much like in golf, contestants keep throwing the disc from its landing position until they land a throw in each hole. The player with the lowest total number throws or strokes for the entire course wins.


4. Kan Jam

What you need: a Kan-Jam Disc Game Set, Discs

Kan Jam disc gameKan Jam is not only a very fun to play Ultimate Frisbee game, but it’s also fun to watch. All you need to play this game are two buckets with slits on the side and a Frisbee. From a distance, teams take turns to throw a disc toward the two containers. One teammate stands behind the buckets and attempts to deflect the Frisbee to make it hit the containers or enter through the top opening. You score various points if the disc hits the container sides or by slam-dunking it through the top opening. The objective of the game is to score exactly 21 points. If a final throw results in more than the target, the points earned are subtracted from the team’s current score. The most exciting maneuver that results in an instant win involves throwing the disc and landing it directly inside the container unassisted. A thrower may earn points as well by hitting the containers without having the Frisbee deflected.


2. Dodge Disc

What you need: discs, people

dodge disc game with frisbeeThis recreational ultimate Frisbee game is quite similar to dodge-ball except for the fact that it involves throwing discs towards other players rather than balls. In what starts out as a clash between two teams facing each other a few feet apart, this game culminates in a shootout involving two players throwing discs at each other. Teams take equal back and forth turns to make their shot. If you are hit, you are out. A throwing player may be eliminated also if their disc is caught by the opposing team before it drops down. In this case, whoever is hit remains in the game. The last player standing wins for their team, so others can cheer on their teammate and continue to have fun even after elimination.


2. Disc Guts

What you need: disc, drunk dudes (alternatively sober dudes, up to you)

people play the disc guts friisbee gameDisc Guts will put your Ultimate throwing and catching skills to the test. It begins with two teams lined up horizontally while standing a few feet from each other. You score a point by either landing the Frisbee behind your competitors in a marked area or if an opposing team member catches the disc and drops it. Opponents are not permitted to move until the disc leaves the hand of the thrower. If the thrower misses the marked score zone, the receiving team scores a point. The defending side must catch the disc to prevent any points from being scored. For the win, your team must be the first to score 21 points. Each team takes turns in succession after every throw.


1. Frisbee 500

What you need: a disc

girl playing the frisbee 500 gameInspired by the ball game known as 500, this fun ultimate Frisbee game is played by one person throwing the Frisbee and many people trying to catch it for points. The designated thrower has to call out a number between 0 and 500 before tossing it toward the other players. Whoever catches the disc before it falls earns the points called out. Play continues until one person reaches the target 500 points. The winner earns the throwing spot and the thrower becomes a catcher.

During game-play, intentional shoving and pushing are not permitted. The goal of this game is to teach players how to read disc trajectory and win or keep possession when playing real Ultimate Frisbee.


Final Thoughts

The “sports” we’ve talked about above are but a small fraction of the games you can play with a Frisbee. Some of them are not officially sanctioned for tournaments or competitive sporting events, but will still be a great source of fun for you and your buddies. Whatever game you want to try, make sure you understand what you need, how to play it and what are the objectives and rules. Most importantly, remember that any Ultimate Frisbee game is all about having a great time! So grab a disc and join in!